Enroll in Our Schools

Welcome to Dilworth Glyndon Felton School District.  We are proud of the excellence that exists in our schools.  

DGF Schools strive to meet the individual needs of all our learners. We encourage you to become familiar with the teachers, principals, curriculum and programs. Interested parents are vital to a student's success in school. DGF Schools look forward to a rewarding partnership with you as we work together to prepare your child for the future. Contact your principal for more information about how to become involved.

General Enrollment Information

New K-12 students moving into the district should complete the pre-enrollment process online.  Please click HERE to start the online process.  If you need assistance with this process, please contact the appropriate school office.   A student is required to attend elementary school in the attendance area in which the family resides unless the proper attendance area exemption forms have been completed and approved.

Children must reach their fifth birthday on or before September 1 of the school year to be eligible to attend kindergarten. 

In addition, students enrolling in a Minnesota public school for the first time must provide the following:

Open Enrollment Information

Families who reside outside of the DGF School district, must complete the Open Enrollment form (found at the bottom of this page) for each student attending school.  The form needs to be returned to the District Office before any enrollment will be accepted.  


Minnesota law requires that students must provide verification that these immunizations have been completed before starting school. Each student's immunization records remain in the school system once enrolled. Each time the child receives another immunization, the health file should be updated.

All kindergarten, first-grade and second-grade students are required to have the DPT, polio, Hepatitis B, and measles, mumps and rubella vaccines. A tetanus/diphtheria vaccination must be given at or after age 11, prior to grade 7. A total of two MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccines must be given before grade 7. Some children received this at kindergarten. Seventh-graders and eighth-graders are required to have the series of Hepatitis B vaccines.

Parents may get a legal exemption from the school law for medical reasons or conscientiously-held beliefs.

Enrollment Forms