Parent-Child ECFE 

Early Childhood Family Education is a program of DGF School District for all families with young children (age birth up until kindergarten).  ECFE believes that the years before a child begins school are the most important in their development.  The program is based on the recognition that the home is the child's first learning environment and that the parents are the primary and most important teachers.  All activities provide opportunities to build positive parent/child relationships while having fun together! 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who attends the classes? Other parents and children just like you  

What activities are offered? You and your child explore the ECFE room together.  Learning activities are provided as well as time for open play.  This time also includes a group "Circle Time" of songs and stories.  The activities are adjusted for each age group. Parent Discussion time is during the second half of class.  A licensed parent facilitator provides resources and guides discussion about child development.

When are the classes offered? We offer different sessions of classes each year that include fall, winter and spring sessions.  Each session will last between 8-10 weeks.  Watch the Early Childhood website or email Tracy Tollefson ( for an up-to-date list of class offerings! 

How do I join?   Call Tracy Tollefson at (218) 477-6805 or complete the registration form below.  Give your child's name, birth date, phone number, and the name of the class you wish to join.

After registering what do I do? On the starting date and time of your class, come to the Early Childhood Classroom.  Please bring your child's immunization record.  Fees are to be online via SchoolPay.

2024-2025 Classes:

Classes Begin:


Class Registration Form 
