College Information

College Links

Various College Information

Google slides with college information and quick links!

See specific links in notes or click around the slide for more information.

College Links

Visiting Days, Scholarships, Majors, Financial Aid, Costs, etc

College Visits

Many local programs/colleges will set up booths throughout the school year in our commons during lunch/study hall.  Please check the class boards and career/college boards throughout the school for information on upcoming visits.  

Students making specific visits to programs/colleges need to provide a note from their parents they are excused from school for the visits. 

Post High School - Military 

Military recruiters will be in the school throughout the school year for lunchroom/study hall visits.  Please check the class boards and career/counseling board for information on upcoming visits. If interested in a branch of the military, please talk to one of the counselors.

College Athletics